

Some commonly used functions for company fundamental analysis

WEI<GO>(World Equity Indices)
Monitor intraday changes and display historical returns for indices in different regions of the world
Display an overview of the fundamental background information and financial data for a specific company, stock or mutual fund. You can use DES to quickly view this information (in several pages) in one convenient location
RV<GO>(Relative Value)
Provide a relative value comparing to other companies in the industry
RVR<GO>(Relative Value Ranking)
Provide rankings relative to peers and the industry average on a list of fundamental factors
BQ<GO>(Bloomberg Quote)
Provides a composite overview of the price quotes for the company
FA<GO>(Financial Analysis)
Display financial history for a specific company or equity index, identify trends and evaluate a company’s financials in one comprehensive view that is easy to chart and analyse. Values include income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, ratios, profitability measures etc.
DVD<GO>(Dividend/Split Summary)
You can determine how a security’s gross (before tax) or net (after-tax) dividend yield contributes to its overall returns
BDVD<GO>(Bloomberg’s Dividend Forecast)
ERN<GO>(Earnings History and Summary)
EE<GO>(Earnings Estimates)
Graph and display the historical sensitivity of a selected equity compared to a broad-based market index
OMON<GO>(Option Monitor)
Provide pricing and market data for exchange-traded call and put options for a selected underlying security
HP<GO>(Historical Price Table)
G<GO>(Historical Line Graph)
GPO<GO>(Historical Bar Graph)
COMP<GO>(Comparative Total Returns)
It compares the returns of a selected security to its benchmark index and industry group or to two other selected securities and indices
GF<GO>(Graph Fundamentals)
Aggregate a broad array of fundamental data (ratios, correlations, spreads) in a single chart to see a company’s financial situation in comparison with peers, indices and more

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Some commonly used functions for searching news, statistics and research

TOP<GO>Display top & popular headlines and stories from around the world. Same as the key
TNI / NSE<GO>To perform advanced news search based on search criteria and keywords
NI<GO>To search for news by category
CN <GO>Display news for a specific company or security
WECO<GO>(World Economic Calendar by country)
ECO<GO>(Economic Release Calendars)
Display calendars of economic releases. You can monitor historical, current and upcoming economic event details
ECST<GO>(World Economic Statistics)
Such as consumer prices, unemployment rates, national accounts
ECOW<GO>(Economic Data Watch)
To understand the trend of different economic indicators
ECFC<GO>(Economic Forecasts)
Displays contributors’ forecasts for specific indicators
BI<GO>(Bloomberg Industry Research)
Provides key industry data and written analysis
ANR<GO>(Analysts‘ Recommendations)
Display a list of analysts’ recommendations, price targets and a consensus rating for a selected equity. Get a picture of the latest analyst sentiment
BRC<GO>(Brokers Research)
Search and display research reports, news stories and multimedia
RES<GO>(Research Portal)
Search and display research reports, news stories and multimedia

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